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Steve's Brain
Data scientist, Background in political science and data mining I know too much about 16th century humanist philosophy and rocks we tricked into thinking I write code and spread communism Sous la pavé la plage ! (EN/FR)
11 followers12 following36 posts

ALL I did the entire time this was going down was pray. I prayed a thousand Hail Mary's, asked every saint I could think of for intercession, and prayed, the entire time this was happening. The deafening silence that fell that day was undeniable proof that there is no god. 2/


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Steve's Brain
Data scientist, Background in political science and data mining I know too much about 16th century humanist philosophy and rocks we tricked into thinking I write code and spread communism Sous la pavé la plage ! (EN/FR)
11 followers12 following36 posts