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🌸 Alannah 🌸
I'm just trying to figure life out in whatever weird way I can She/They 🏳️‍⚧️
30 followers203 following42 posts

I'm gonna post about my favorite TTRPG characters, since I'm in the mood, first one up is my newest character, a young goblin druid named Bites Leaves, shes a novice druid whos got caught up in acts of environmental terrorism to defend her home from two different kingdoms

A goblin female with scrap armor and a skirt, with red hair and leaves placed in

Art by Ted Thilander, which I shamelessly stole to represent Bites Leaves:

My Next one, another favorite of mine, is an NPC I made for a never finished Cyberpunk game, his name was Giovanni Castellanos, he was a hitman for the Mafia, a Solo who would go onto help the Players and betray the Mob with time after realizing how much money he could make


She's being played as a kind of young and inexperienced diplomat-type character, one who's desperately trying to compromise on both sides, even though her own best interests align with one side more than another

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🌸 Alannah 🌸
I'm just trying to figure life out in whatever weird way I can She/They 🏳️‍⚧️
30 followers203 following42 posts