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Miserable Math Magician with THE WRONG SPELLS
Lead Agent of Mathematical Fuckery at the DEA, pushing the age of eugenics forward one spreadsheet at a time. Here to serve your pseudosciency propaganda needs!
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I mean, my "complex systems views of neuroscience" includes e.g. that we actively construct emotions in a social field and encode them in the nervous system in connection to physical states a la theory of constructed emotions. So the social construction shit is in there for me lol.


But one of the most powerful parts of IFS maybe, from that view, is that it provides a basis for internal construction of concepts in conjunction with external social construction, which were going back to Hume and Kant, as well as the newer peoples.

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Miserable Math Magician with THE WRONG SPELLS
Lead Agent of Mathematical Fuckery at the DEA, pushing the age of eugenics forward one spreadsheet at a time. Here to serve your pseudosciency propaganda needs!
8 followers32 following1k posts