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Susan McPherson
Passionate connector who believes biz can be a force for good. Author, "The Lost Art of Connecting." #ESG Leader. CEO. Philanthropist. Angel Investor. Pup Lover. she/her
180 followers55 following110 posts

Wise words on this tragic day.

Reposted by Susan McPherson

New in Public Notice: An interview with Yoel Roth on his falling out with Elon, why Twitter gutting its election team is bad news, and more. "Lessons the company learned robustly after 2016 are no longer part of its playbook for dealing with elections. That’s a major risk"

Yoel Roth on Elon Musk gutting Twitter's election integrity team and what it means for 2024
Yoel Roth on Elon Musk gutting Twitter's election integrity team and what it means for 2024

"Lessons that the company learned robustly after 2016 are no longer part of its playbook for dealing with elections. That’s a major risk going forward."


The Pope identifies the burning of fossil fuels as primary driver of climate change, details the effect on the planet & people, dismisses those who deny the crisis, & accuses wealthy individuals, corps & countries of selfishly turning a blind eye.

The Pope’s Warning to a Warming World
The Pope’s Warning to a Warming World

Naming and shaming the countries and industries he sees as bad actors.


‘This study warns that prolonged exposure to extreme heat may impair workers’ physical and cognitive abilities, “which can result in a decline in their earnings.”

Climate change could impose 'substantial financial costs' on U.S. household finances, Treasury warns
Climate change could impose 'substantial financial costs' on U.S. household finances, Treasury warns

Between 2018 and 2022, weather and climate disasters cost more than $617 billion in the U.S., a Treasury Department report found.


"It’s easy to see why the marriage solution is so off-loads the responsibility for broad and systemic reform by tsk-tskingly placing it on individuals and their intimate behaviors." ~

The Return of the Marriage Plot
The Return of the Marriage Plot

Why everyone is suddenly so eager for men and women to get hitched.


Months after leaving office, Trump allegedly discussed potentially sensitive information about U.S. nuclear submarines with a member of Mar-a-Lago — an Australian billionaire who then allegedly shared the information with scores of others.

Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources
Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources

Months after leaving office, former President Trump allegedly discussed potentially sensitive info about U.S. nuclear subs with an Australian billionaire, say sources.


“The cruelty of abortion bans is revealed with every new story of a woman being allowed to slip into sepsis or a raped child being denied care.” Vitally important piece by

Opinion | Now Republicans Are Trying to Redefine Abortion Itself
Opinion | Now Republicans Are Trying to Redefine Abortion Itself

With post-Roe outrage showing no sign of waning, strategists on the right are pushing a new lexicon on abortion.

Reposted by Susan McPherson
Reposted by Susan McPherson

Justice Thomas apparently decided he needed to recuse himself from consideration of John Eastman’s appeal of the rulings that opened his emails to the January 6th Committee. Eastman’s bid to have the case heard by the Supreme Court failed this morning.

The supreme court’s terse disposition of Eastman’s petition for a writ of certiorari, noting that Thomas took no part in “the consideration or decision of this petition.”
Reposted by Susan McPherson
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Susan McPherson
Passionate connector who believes biz can be a force for good. Author, "The Lost Art of Connecting." #ESG Leader. CEO. Philanthropist. Angel Investor. Pup Lover. she/her
180 followers55 following110 posts