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Susan Rinkunas
Reporter: abortion & politics. Contributing writer, Jezebel. Seen in Slate, The New Republic, The Nation, The Guardian, and more. council. From PA, now in BK. ❤️‍🔥 💌 susanrinkunaswrites @ gmail
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Vote by mail is great, unless you have a controlling partner who demands filling out the ballots together

NBC News screenshot

Kelly Johnson, 47, of Kansas City, said she and other Kansas Democrats talked on a Facebook page about being liberal in a red state. Some women in the state "are afraid to vote for Democrats because their husbands or their other family members are voting for Republicans," she said.
Sticky notes became a way for women to participate in politics "without feeling or being afraid of having any repercussions," she said.

Photo of a sticky note on COURTYARD by Marriott paper 
No one knows who you vote for :)
vote Harris/Walz
Nace doesn't wait to meet with the La Las to write her sticky notes. She said that any time she gets a few minutes, she writes messages on sticky notes to throw in her purse for when she goes out.
"I live in a very red state, and I know women who do what their husbands tell them to do, and it's very sad," Nace said. "And so if we can give a voice to somebody who might have some fears, it would just be a good thing for them to know that nobody's going to know how you vote when you vote."
Women in Republican-dominated areas shared that writing sticky notes was a way for them to get involved politically without dealing with potential backlash.

This is also one of the reasons why I hate caucuses instead of primaries. Vote by mail at least comes with other benefits to increase voter participation and has in-person alternatives. Caucusing is awful for people with controlling partners.


A decent number of controlling spouses will likely just get the ballot, fill it out, and fake their partner's signature and mail it back without them even seeing it :(


I hate that this is necessary but am glad there's some small thing being done about it.


Came here to say this! I love living in a vote by mail state, but the ability of another person in the household to exert pressure or inspect ballots is wide open


This is an excellent point!


My friend moved to rural Arkansas in the early 2000s. When he and his wife went to vote, they told him that they could share a booth so that he could "help" her vote. Poll workers allow this to happen!


Another thing people can stick in bathroom stalls? Information about abortion pills by mail

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Susan Rinkunas
Reporter: abortion & politics. Contributing writer, Jezebel. Seen in Slate, The New Republic, The Nation, The Guardian, and more. council. From PA, now in BK. ❤️‍🔥 💌 susanrinkunaswrites @ gmail
6.4k followers1.1k following3.3k posts