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Syd Young
Lawyer*Writer*Thinker—rep’d by Kevan Lyon, Marsal Lyon cohost #HFChitChat
77 followers115 following53 posts

Deep diving into something medieval and how is it that I’ve never heard of Christine de Pizan until this month! Also, learned of Sharon Kay Penman late in life. Ah! Better late than never.


And with all that speaking, I still managed to read some great books in Feb, of course!


Here’s me, about to do the 2nd of 3 speaking events in February. It’s always great to speak about books and women—I have endless topics for conversation ❣️✨


My awesome November #historicalfiction reads❣️✨🫶


I did it! Won #NaNoWriMo for the first time since 2018! Whew! Thank you stars for aligning. Thank you writing friends for cheering me on.


Wow. What a big difference this year. So glad for the fun — getting close to the writing goal. But I can’t lie, I’m ready to be done!!


Proud of this. #NaNoWriMo stats: 16,190 of the 50,000 goal since November 1. Amazing how it adds up AND the ideas keep flowing. Also doing this simultaneously with a low key Donald Maas Power Scenes class via WFWA and could not be more pleased!


Something strange is happening to me during #NaNoWriMo and I’m waking up at 5 am to write. Absolutely here for it. Also sneaking in words whenever I think of them. Yay! 💥🥳 Writers got to write.


Totally fangirling Bonnie Garmus and loving #LessonsinChemistry. Not least because it reminds me of my complete and utter BENJIE love. Good doggie, 6:30. 💞 Who else?

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Syd Young
Lawyer*Writer*Thinker—rep’d by Kevan Lyon, Marsal Lyon cohost #HFChitChat
77 followers115 following53 posts