Tracey C
Librarian living in the mountains of SW VA w/partner and 4 cats. Into SF/F, quilting, confectioneering, and leaving the world a better place.
163 followers209 following231 posts
Reposted by Tracey C

PSA FOR PEOPLE AFFECTED BY THE HURRICANE Most insurance providers have a clause for spoiled food. Especially in times of disaster, it is a no questions asked payment of $200-$500 to recover food lost to power outages or other disaster spoilage, but you have to call up and request it!


Could someone update content warnings in Doesthedogdie?

Reposted by Tracey C

PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies
Reposted by Tracey C

Some of y'all need to shut the fuck up about the South, because you're demonstrating not just your callous disregard for humanity but your total ignorance Asheville is in the mountains, hundreds of miles from the coast, and one of the gayest, most progressive cities in the nation

Skeet from that reads:

Doesn’t North Carolina use a lot of coal for electricity generation? Didn’t NC vote against climate change mitigation along coastal areas (for poor people only though)

You reap what you sow etc etc.
Reposted by Tracey C

Time to Make America Great Again by taxing capital gains as regular income, and raising the top marginal bracket back to 90% for anything over $1 million.

Reposted by Tracey C

this thread tho

i don't understand this economy when nursing homes are so expensive they bankrupt our grandparents but nursing home aides need to use food banks.

daycare is so expensive it eats up one parent's entire paycheck and yet daycare providers only make $10/hr and need second jobs.
Reposted by Tracey C

I had never even HEARD of this and OH MY FUCKING GOD. Yes! Repeal this absolute bullshit! WHY WAS THIS PASSED? Holy SHIT.

Reposted by Tracey C

This is a set of suggestions based on real world animal evac operations done by my rescue during Hurricane Harvey. First and foremost- shit happens. If you have to leave and can’t take your pets, DO NOT LEAVE THEM LOCKED UP. That includes loose in the house. 1/


Safe travels!

Tracey C
Librarian living in the mountains of SW VA w/partner and 4 cats. Into SF/F, quilting, confectioneering, and leaving the world a better place.
163 followers209 following231 posts