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Jason Scott
"Jason Scott is an arrogant, self-impressed idiot who thinks he's god's gift to techies because he remembers "the golden days" of BBS's." - Superbanana, Slashdot comment, 2006
3.2k followers63 following977 posts

Reading the reviews of my documentaries on Letterboxd once again solidifies my two conclusions: - I got out of making more at the right time - I don't like reviews of my movies when they're shallow


Sorry, one other thing, where I'm pulling in my inner Dan Olson: A lot of the reviews of the text adventure and bbs documentary go on about how it's a "boring talking-head documentary". I need, I really do need, to hear what movie you think you'd be watching on those subjects that's not talking-head

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Jason Scott
"Jason Scott is an arrogant, self-impressed idiot who thinks he's god's gift to techies because he remembers "the golden days" of BBS's." - Superbanana, Slashdot comment, 2006
3.2k followers63 following977 posts