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Dirk the Dice
The GROGNARD files filling the blue sky with bobbins about tabletop RPGs from back in the day and today.
867 followers832 following673 posts

What do you look for when choosing which RPG convention game to play? These are the results of the survey I did back in 2021. There was a bit of a dispute at the time, do people admit in surveys that they look for familiar names? Is the pitch more important than the actual game being played?


I’m a big fan of other people’s enthusiasms so always in for a new setting. Off topic, but as a very occasional player, at Cons I get chance to learn from other GMs/Players. Always good.


The people, definitely the people. Then I avoid systems I dislike. Occasionally there will be a particular game I'm interested in checking out.


I do like a good graph!


People seems an odd one out here, do you think some folks choose a game to play with their friends too?


I am after maximum enjoyment at a con so prioritise: 1. GMs I know, who I can count on to deliver a great game 2. Systems I like and know I'll enjoy (might be something new to me but of a style I like or am interested in) 3. Other players, ideally people I know I can get on with


I’ve only been to one convention but here’s what I looked for. 1. Game systems I wanted to play. Mostly new ones I wanted to try. 2. GMs that I had heard of and wanted to play with. 3. Games synopsis that sounded interesting.


I often have no idea what the scenario is unless it's a well known one, like "the scenario from the Starter Set" or something. So I tend to first look for the system (either one I like to play or one I want to try), and then second I check if I know the GM or any of the signed-up players.


But I LERVE pregens.


For me, Clive, choice by system revolves around novelty vs nostalgia and I've succumbed to both in pleasurable ways, espcially if the 'novelty' picks are becasue I want to run the game itself someday - it's always good to check and see the mechanics and mood in the wild.


I look at System first (usually look for system I haven't played yet) I look at GM second, if a known quantity (is it one of my social media chums who I haven't played with yet) I look at scenario third, albeit this has the power to trump the previous two and send me back to the beginning.

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Dirk the Dice
The GROGNARD files filling the blue sky with bobbins about tabletop RPGs from back in the day and today.
867 followers832 following673 posts