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The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball
I bake for superheroes Occasional fictional character Protect and support libraries and librarians. she/her
282 followers127 following5.6k posts
Reposted by The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball

Do what you want with this info, as well: Instagram recently made it so that links shared from their platform are unique to you. This means if you have an anon bluesky/twitter, but use ur real name on insta (like me), posting insta links is doxxing yourself 🤡

Highlight from linked instagram help page: 
Note: when you share content with someone that isn’t following you on instagram, they may see your instagram profile and be able to send you a follow request
Reposted by The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball

PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies
Reposted by The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball

The traditional homelands of the Saulteau and West Moberly Lake First Nations are littered with tens of thousands of old, disused oil and gas wells. Now a new project run by First Nations is aiming to reclaim and restore all the orphaned sites by 2030.

B.C. First Nations transform oil wells into wetlands | The Narwhal
B.C. First Nations transform oil wells into wetlands | The Narwhal

First Nations-owned Aski Reclamation is restoring former oil wells, using Traditional Knowledge of native plants and local species

Reposted by The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball

If you need them here are some resources to help you with #recovery#HurricaneHelene#DisasterRelief. Also update us on any changes to these.

Reposted by The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball

PSA FOR PEOPLE AFFECTED BY THE HURRICANE Most insurance providers have a clause for spoiled food. Especially in times of disaster, it is a no questions asked payment of $200-$500 to recover food lost to power outages or other disaster spoilage, but you have to call up and request it!

Reposted by The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball
Reposted by The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball

Last night, Trump praised Charles Lindbergh in a speech in Wisconsin. Today, not a word about that in *any* article in our leading newspapers. Am i missing something? Or does the press does not care that 1 of the 2 presidential candidates praised a Nazi who masqueraded as an isolationist?


Suggestion: Try *not* to live your life in such a way that, when natural disaster strikes, several days pass before the children you so thoroughly damaged even think about you living in the affected area.

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The Happy Sorceress Is Probably Watching Baseball
I bake for superheroes Occasional fictional character Protect and support libraries and librarians. she/her
282 followers127 following5.6k posts