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the Mountain Goats
marsh gas enthusiast
24.1k followers375 following3.5k posts

fish prefixes


No John. The joke about how there’s a fish called a gar so there must be other -fields with different fish prefixes isn’t going anywhere. Go back to sleep


This post neatly frames my dread every time something’s coming out that has “everybody’s gonna make a big deal about clowning this” energy. The riffs won’t be funny and the vibe will be High School Classmates on Facebook Posting Paleolithic Memes


and like when they wanna ask "am I being an asshole if I ask" blah blah ,yo. yes. no. I don't care. asshole designation was reached before you started walrusing. go get right with God and report back but not to me because I got an itchy block finger


please internalize this. people wanna argue with assholes in my mentions - it's not your job nor mine. they're assholes. block them. if they wanna stop being assholes they can do it on their own time.

Reposted by the Mountain Goats

time to admit i just don't have any realistic path to establishing air superiority

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the Mountain Goats
marsh gas enthusiast
24.1k followers375 following3.5k posts