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The Transfeminine Review
by transfemmes. for transfemmes. about transfemmes. | | ed. Bethany Karsten
309 followers80 following490 posts
Reposted by The Transfeminine Review

It is extremely sad to see that a luminary of SFF short fiction has revealed herself to be deeply and viciously transphobic, and specifically transmisogynist. I'm just so sorry for all of us, but especially the trans people in SFF who had considered her a colleague and friend.


Look we don’t need to talk about my screen time-

rooms, in airplanes. Things are very different now and you have, in a sense, lost. Everyone has lost. You have been grafted onto the phone like a chrysanthemum onto a wormwood stalk, your brain extending invisibly up to the satellites.
Reposted by The Transfeminine Review

holy shit I need to read this YESTERDAY


you let all the light in, and darkness trembles

You are not a broken canvas.
Beginning in the fifteenth century, up until the eighteenth or so, some people became afflicted with the delusion that they were made out of glass and would shatter at the slightest touch. This condition appeared in Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, and was later speculated to be a response-of whatever sort-to the development and more widespread use of transparent glass in European cities. King Charles VI of France wore velvet gloves at all times because he was afraid his hands would break into shards. He wore iron rods inside of his clothes.
He wasn't afraid of the pieces themselves but of being consumed by the light. Court physicians were at a loss.
When he began his reign he was known as Charles the Beloved but by the end of his reign he was known as Charles the Mad. Each shard was like a memory of the future. This is what light is. You let all the light in, and darkness trembles.
Reposted by The Transfeminine Review

such a beautiful book!


Okay time for books :))

OKPsyche by Anna Johanna DeNiro.  I’m sitting on the train, cover has a fainting woman in renaissance style
Reposted by The Transfeminine Review

thank you! I'm glad to be one of many wonderful fanfic authors for the series

Reposted by The Transfeminine Review

I'm starting a transfem media criticism site [tentative name NEET Ozma] that will probably go live around the beginning of November. I'm looking for pitches [please DM]. Transfem writers only. Articles don't have to be trans-related. The site will be volunteer driven for the forseeable future.

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The Transfeminine Review
by transfemmes. for transfemmes. about transfemmes. | | ed. Bethany Karsten
309 followers80 following490 posts