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Thomas Wrightson (he/him)
Writer of fiction, currently with Roan & Weatherford. In life and art: Veritas Vincit. Current project: The Cluster Cycle. Available now are Starborn Vendetta and Lost Station Circé. Website:
327 followers290 following967 posts
Reposted by Thomas Wrightson (he/him)

Hey Bluesky! Hit me up with the most recent book, story, song, or other piece of art you loved that was created by a trans person. Let's boost some trans creators today.


Sorry, due to STUFF, no post this week again. But please browse and enjoy the content of my website.

Thomas Wrightson - Pod 231, Designation 'Writer'
Thomas Wrightson - Pod 231, Designation 'Writer'

Author of The Cluster Cycle

Reposted by Thomas Wrightson (he/him)

Coming soon on the blog - subways, towers, wolves, the dead, a wood and Moriarty!

Reposted by Thomas Wrightson (he/him)

So a SFF writer has shared a trans-hostile diatribe. I'm not reading it. I will continue to accept, respect and support trans people, who should have the same civil and legal rights as me. I know who I am better than anyone else and I expect people to believe me. I extend that courtesy to others.

Reposted by Thomas Wrightson (he/him)

Alright, I'll play until it's time to write this chapter tonight. Do you want to know the weird stuff I listen to?

Black text on a white background reading: GET TO KNOW MY MUSIC TASTE. for every like, i will one song i love <3
Reposted by Thomas Wrightson (he/him)

Fake author profile is back. Again. This person started out using the name, Elena Fernandez Malley, trying to sell O’Malley’s book on Amazon Asia.

Reposted by Thomas Wrightson (he/him)

My goal was to finish this draft before the end of September but it's looking more like mid-October. Which is fine! I'm totally not freaking out!!! #LGBTQWriteAThon

Reposted by Thomas Wrightson (he/him)

Days 27 & 28: Oops, I missed yesterday's. A fun fact relevant to my WIP? Human biology is complicated. And for today, have I achieved the goal/s I set at the start of September? I'm on track: I've two scenes to write for my second draft, and I got great notes from Milford. #LGBTQWriteAThon 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Machine readable text on a mauve background with book spines and pens in rainbow colours.
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Thomas Wrightson (he/him)
Writer of fiction, currently with Roan & Weatherford. In life and art: Veritas Vincit. Current project: The Cluster Cycle. Available now are Starborn Vendetta and Lost Station Circé. Website:
327 followers290 following967 posts