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Tom Calver
1.7k followers299 following50 posts

The thing about British politics is that we voters value authenticity over expertise That’s why, according to a 2016 paper, we would rather vote for an MP who used to be a factory worker over one who owned a business. Screw expertise - we want someone who will *get us*


Which is why nearly every politician will talk up any working class story they have And it might explain why Freebie Gate has hurt Starmer’s popularity: never mind the rules, it shatters the illusion that the “son of a toolmaker” is like the rest of us

Why do politicians keep insisting they are working class?
Why do politicians keep insisting they are working class?

The “working class” identity has had a resurgence, from 23 per cent to 46 per cent — its highest level since before the 1980s


'get us' or represent us, a business owner will vote in their self interest, so of course people want to be represented by people who will look after their interests. It's condescending claptrap to reduce that to a rejection of expertise.


But it takes zero expertise or skill to own a business, and many factory workers are highly skilled, experienced, dependable people. I'm a business owner, my father was a factory worker who became a successful, effective politician. Maybe people recognise that.

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Tom Calver
1.7k followers299 following50 posts