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Trains Trams Tracks
Everything about trains and trams (and subways) and rail tracks all across the world.
1.1k followers352 following316 posts
Reposted by Trains Trams Tracks

Jeg kommer til Ă„ holde dere orientert, enten dere vil eller ikke. Bildet: fra toget mellom Graz og Wien, mars i Ă„r. 4/4

Reposted by Trains Trams Tracks

Kondisjonen er merkbart dÄrligere enn for bare ett eller to Är siden. PÄ den annen side har togreiser alltid fungert som treningsstudio for meg, sÄ vi fÄr se hvordan det gÄr denne gangen. 3/

Reposted by Trains Trams Tracks

Har 15 dagers interrail pass (i lÞpet av 2 mnd), og plassbilletter for TGV gjennom Frankrike, ellers er tanken at ting skal falle pÄ plass under veis. Hvis den innledende setningen tyder pÄ at alt er vel mÄ jeg korrigere med at alderen setter spor. 2/

Reposted by Trains Trams Tracks

VÄknet i dag uten ett eneste merkbart fysisk problem, med hvilepuls pÄ 48. 41 dager til 81 Ärs dagen. Drar pÄ min vei mot Porto (feiring der) og besÞksrunde til venner i Europa om 30 dager, hvis alt gÄr vel. 1/

Jeg pÄ toget mellom Graz og Wien, 31. mars i Är (2024)
Reposted by Trains Trams Tracks

No large European city (>1m pop) in this survey has higher car use than Greater Manchester: a consequence of Manchester's politicians consistently shying away from any use of the stick to discourage driving, alongside public transport, cycle and walking infrastructure that needs to improve.

Chart showing %age of respondents who use cars as their main mode of transport on an average day. Manchester and Rome are on 58%, no other large European city surveyed is as high.
Reposted by Trains Trams Tracks

Your periodic reminder that 80% of Singapore’s residents live in housing provided by the state

Reposted by Trains Trams Tracks

Surprisingly detailed write up of the travel behaviours found in the European Commission's 2023 report on quality of life “In cities with populations under 250,000, 52% of residents report using a car on a typical day, but this figure drops to 44% in cities with populations between 1 and 5 million”

The end of cars? This is how Europeans prefer to get around cities
The end of cars? This is how Europeans prefer to get around cities

We look closer at the most used transportation modes across 83 European cities where various factors contribute to the differences between the cities.

Reposted by Trains Trams Tracks

“Words cannot describe just how off the charts hot the ocean is, we reached a record high today and I'm yet to see a single media article” - Earthly Education on Instagram

Comment posted:
“words cannot describe just how off the charts hot the ocean is, we reached a record high today and I'm yet to see a single media article”

Above a graph showing global sea surface temperatures of 2024 at an all time record high for this time of the year.

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Trains Trams Tracks
Everything about trains and trams (and subways) and rail tracks all across the world.
1.1k followers352 following316 posts