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Traveller In Black
I am a game designer and schoolteacher, I do both because I must. Encouraging children to have their stories, and sharing my own. Pronouns: He/Him. Trans Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter (order not important).
296 followers565 following3k posts

Because this is the internet, I am going to affably QUIBBLE with your wording, Lisa! Quibble, I say! "It's gonna reveal Vance for the class-clown fool he is!" <quibble quibble quibble> Quibble!


As an English Major of Yore, I accept your edit with delight!

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Traveller In Black
I am a game designer and schoolteacher, I do both because I must. Encouraging children to have their stories, and sharing my own. Pronouns: He/Him. Trans Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter (order not important).
296 followers565 following3k posts