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Traveller In Black
I am a game designer and schoolteacher, I do both because I must. Encouraging children to have their stories, and sharing my own. Pronouns: He/Him. Trans Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter (order not important).
297 followers567 following3k posts

So somebody put the 'Sexually Suggestive' label on my post. Which is hilarious, and says FAR MORE about the labeler than the painting. The painting is not erotic, people. Read the article appended to her wikipedia entry. She's naked - as in 'Naked Truth' and she's bearing a whip to chastise liars.


I mean, really. Look at her FACE. She's mad as hell and isn't gonna tolerate liars anymore!

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Traveller In Black
I am a game designer and schoolteacher, I do both because I must. Encouraging children to have their stories, and sharing my own. Pronouns: He/Him. Trans Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter (order not important).
297 followers567 following3k posts