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EnterpriseExtra =/\= TrekRanks
The TrekRanks Podcast is a celebration of all the things we love about #StarTrek from @EnterpriseExtra. No wrong answers. No nitpicking. Just our favorite things about Trek, from #TOS to #SNW! (Also, I was on the show and fired the phasers! Crazy.)
362 followers135 following603 posts

FLASH RANKS! We are putting the call out now for a "Flash TrekRanks" recording on Saturday night (Sept 28) at 6p PT / 9p ET (or 11a in Sydney on Sunday)! If you want to be on TrekRanks & can put your picks together in one day, send me a DM immediately. We'll lock in eligible first respondents ASAP!

a bald man wearing a suit and tie looks to the side
a bald man wearing a suit and tie looks to the side

ALT: a bald man wearing a suit and tie looks to the side


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EnterpriseExtra =/\= TrekRanks
The TrekRanks Podcast is a celebration of all the things we love about #StarTrek from @EnterpriseExtra. No wrong answers. No nitpicking. Just our favorite things about Trek, from #TOS to #SNW! (Also, I was on the show and fired the phasers! Crazy.)
362 followers135 following603 posts