Tristan Grayford
🏳️‍🌈 activist in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Co-founder Treasurer Serial political policy author (he/they) ↙︎↙︎↙︎
361 followers432 following459 posts

Kemi Badenoch, tired of mining the votes of spitefully cruel transphobes and racists, now turns to the misogyny vote. Wonder how the British transphobic movement will square this with their claims that she's the only one "standing up for women".

🚨 NEW: Kemi Badenoch has said that statutory maternity pay is ‘excessive’ and believes that people need to have more ‘personal responsibility’
Reposted by Tristan Grayford

🧵IMPORTANT BOUNDARY REVIEW THREAD I've compiled short versions of why I think some of the most recent Holyrood boundary proposals are a bit crap, and would urge anyone who feels likewise to submit a response to the review and back me up. You can use this thread as a guide.


Just a country bombing another sovereign nation's capital whilst claiming they're not at war.


That reads like someone trying to set the stage for saving her reputation after she's lost. But you'd only do that if you were pretty certain you weren't going to make the final two, surely?


What the Labour Party should learn from this, as the SNP should have done as well, is there is simply no way to bend over backwards far enough for the anti-trans rebels. They will always, always, stick the knife in in the end regardless. There is no sufficient pleasing them.

🔺EXCLUSIVE: Rosie Duffield (@RosieDuffield1) has resigned as a Labour MP, blaming Sir Keir Starmer’s “cruel and unnecessary” policies and the freebies row that is engulfing him and his party

How different the headlines would be if an Arabic nation had killed a thousand Israelis in bomb attacks including the leader of one of their extremist pro-settler political parties...


Exactly the big fish syndrome. He likes to throw his weight around with people who won't stand up to him, he's just a bully


This is a major turning point for GPEW and I hope it's a sign that they have finally, finally, managed to move beyond the era where they felt unable to confront transphobia or deal with the bad faith, cruel, and coordinated hatred of its adherents. Here's hoping.


One out, one in. Years ago I along with many other LGBT+ members of the English and Welsh Greens had our complaints against his aggressive and vile transphobia thrown out, and we were instead sanctioned for publicly challenging him. I quit, and said I'd only come back when he was kicked out.

Greens expel activist who won discrimination claim
Your Membership is now active
Hello Tristan,

Thank you for joining the Green Party. We believe in doing politics differently, and we couldn't do it without you.
Reposted by Tristan Grayford

Will Ferrell has an enormous audience of straight dudes who need to hear this. Nothing but facts here about anti-trans bigotry:

Will Farrell on his trans friend Harper and why bigotry needs to get over things that aren’t hurting anyone and are none ot their goddamned business.
Tristan Grayford
🏳️‍🌈 activist in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Co-founder Treasurer Serial political policy author (he/they) ↙︎↙︎↙︎
361 followers432 following459 posts