Tristan Grayford
🏳️‍🌈 activist in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Co-founder Treasurer Serial political policy author (he/they) ↙︎↙︎↙︎
362 followers432 following462 posts

Just a country bombing another sovereign nation's capital whilst claiming they're not at war.


That reads like someone trying to set the stage for saving her reputation after she's lost. But you'd only do that if you were pretty certain you weren't going to make the final two, surely?


Exactly the big fish syndrome. He likes to throw his weight around with people who won't stand up to him, he's just a bully


This is a major turning point for GPEW and I hope it's a sign that they have finally, finally, managed to move beyond the era where they felt unable to confront transphobia or deal with the bad faith, cruel, and coordinated hatred of its adherents. Here's hoping.


The answer? Probably not.


Any institution that has policing, justice, and immigration under the control of a single institution naturally treats immigration as a criminal matter to be controlled and reduced. Our society relies on immigration to thrive, and we should be proud to be a destination for people to call home.


I think once you narrow down the pool of people this question is about to "people happy to have the responsibility to kill an unarmed prisoner entirely because they're told to" it becomes a simpler question. The people who apply for the job have no problem with it. There's something broken in them.


Basically breaks even, used for over 9m trips a day in a city of barely half a million people despite only serving a single line. Headline - "This has been a disaster and everyone hates it." It's brazen how clearly they display who their audience is.


I guess that somewhat depends on whether you're "reading books" or "reading segments of books you saw referenced on Wikipedia that specifically back up your pre-determined thesis". I can't judge too harshly, that was half my undergrad.

Tristan Grayford
🏳️‍🌈 activist in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Co-founder Treasurer Serial political policy author (he/they) ↙︎↙︎↙︎
362 followers432 following462 posts