Uncail Brad Athair
He/him Foster dad [1 and 8 year olds] Spouse Math teacher in North Carolina virtual middle school Autistic, ADHD, trauma, anxiety, & chronic pain Masters thesis on AI bias
7 followers41 following49 posts
Reposted by Uncail Brad Athair

idk this feels like a worthy time to remind some folks that Project 2025 calls for the demolition of NOAA and the National Hurricane Center


We have gotten about 8 inches of rain in the past 2 days and Hurricane Helena is on its way. This weekend might be the biggest flooding in western North Carolina since 1916. If we lose power, I wonder what part of me will have the hardest time: my autism side, ADHD side, or new combo of them both.

Reposted by Uncail Brad Athair

“At last… Another’s heartbeat” by Marcellus Williams

The silhouettes of their bond visible still at the last glow of the sun
They experience each other in the life of the night, as it begins to stir
Standing there in silence holding hands
no rush to go back inside
There is so much beauty and comfort in being in love and just being…
—almost sounds of buzzing
The pleasant but irregular blowing of the wind
fireflies dancing in step with the light of the moon how strange it is to become aware of another’s heartbeat but forget one’s own – 
finally love.

This story is an example where designing schools for autistic and other neurodiverse folks would make them better for everyone.


My class was indefinitely delayed for photos. But no teaching b/c 2/3 of class was getting photos with another teacher. Then I have to take all students to line up in lobby that has terrible acoustics with dozens of 8th graders. A sensory disaster for anyone! Painful for me. 2/3


Tales of teaching in an ballistic world: Picture day was this week. My class was given a time to go. O I was already anxious that my classes would need different lessons plus what happens when students don't need photo b/c they got theirs in a different class? 1/x


I am greatful for's newsletter. Not only does it have lots of interesting woso info. I now know the proper way to spell wavé. Subscribe and read Beyond the Vaudvillian Cane and listen to Diaspara United.

Reposted by Uncail Brad Athair

I live and work in Springfield, OH. I am livid. A horrible racist shithead decided to lie on national tv about my town, and schools down the street have closed for bomb threats. The Haitians in my town are good people; their children go to my school, and they don’t deserve this. None of us do.

Uncail Brad Athair
He/him Foster dad [1 and 8 year olds] Spouse Math teacher in North Carolina virtual middle school Autistic, ADHD, trauma, anxiety, & chronic pain Masters thesis on AI bias
7 followers41 following49 posts