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VB Bear 📚
Mama bear. Librarian. Outdoorsy. Leftist. Rather be hiking. 🏳️‍🌈☸️ 🧶📚Ask me for a book recommendation. Profile pic: the face of a black bear happily munching some dandelions. Background pic: me the (human) bear under the total solar eclipse ☀️🌕
340 followers545 following2.5k posts

Ok Craftsky, after some rework I’m ready to share take 2 on this brilliant colorway. Scarf recipient requested something chonkier, & special thanks to

About 30-40 rows of a merino wool scarf in the Agolant colorway from the Republic of Yarnia, pictured on a wood floor. The color variegation here working much better imo than the last attempt at this project.

Ooooh I like this. You can see more of a pattern but it works with the colorway, so it's not overly busy. I like how the colors are working up -- it looks like code or something digital, if that makes sense (I'm sure it doesn't).


Oooh, the texture, the colors. Just so much to love here!


It looks great! I’m glad the pattern is working out :D

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VB Bear 📚
Mama bear. Librarian. Outdoorsy. Leftist. Rather be hiking. 🏳️‍🌈☸️ 🧶📚Ask me for a book recommendation. Profile pic: the face of a black bear happily munching some dandelions. Background pic: me the (human) bear under the total solar eclipse ☀️🌕
340 followers545 following2.5k posts