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Science artists and art-adjacent folks! There's a workshop series for science visualization that might align with your interests, taught by entomologist and artist Barrett Klein. Next session (two of six) is Thurs Sept 26: "How to Avoid Lying When Using Visuals," it's online and also free! 🧪🎨

Visualizing Science Workshop Series
Visualizing Science Workshop Series

No art experience necessary!


While there's a bird in this one I think the green flash is pretty neat to see captured. There were a lot of people around and as the sun slipped down almost everyone paused to watch for the flash. After it was gone there were murmurs of 'did you see it?!' 'that was cool' and everyone resumed life.

The sun setting over the Pacific ocean with the 'green flash' at the edge of the last sliver of sun before it disappears under the horizon. A solitary bird in flight up and right of the sun.

A hummingbird resting in the early evening. #birds

A hummingbird perched on a small branch, most of the bird is in shadow although it's long thin beak is clearly visible pointing to the left.

A seagull gliding in front of the sky over the Pacific ocean. #birds

Seagull gliding in flight, left wing framing the head and beak.

A couple shots of what I'm pretty sure is just a crow while it was looking for snacks. Taken in San Diego in the last year. #birds

A corvid (crow?) looks towards the camera while standing on the ground, its back nearly horizontal. The background is dried mud and tufts of grass.
A corvid (crow?) looks away from the camera and down towards the ground standing semi-upright. The background is dried mud and tufts of grass.
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you know you're a good mechanic when you finish your job and you have one more screw than what you started with because that means you're able to put the engine back together better than the manufacturer

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🧪 I have been warned that after last night’s Sometimes Science Is Gross panel, I may now be known to large swaths of the DragonCon population as Butt Milk. (Due to a very important scientific fact involving nutritious cloacal fluid provided to support newly hatched caecilians.)

Worm-Like Amphibians Leak Milk For Their Hatchlings And It's Kind of Cute
Worm-Like Amphibians Leak Milk For Their Hatchlings And It's Kind of Cute

See for yourself.

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🧪 This has been a TERRIBLE year for West Nile already, and in many areas it’s got months of mosquito season to go. I’ve seen more cases this year than in the previous four combined. Y’all. Dump out standing water. Do what you need to do to repel of block mosquito bites. These are BAD diseases. 🔥🧠

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