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She/Her. Soapmaker, lapsed writer, really just very tired. I foster lots of cats, and have a special soft spot for ferals and feral rehab. Autistic/ADHD. Disabled - cEDS. Tasmanian. You can buy soap here:
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Flynn says "Don't forget about me! I'm still cute!" She's being the best little mother.

An upside down tabby and white cat with the pinkest little nose. She's getting her chin rubbed and loving it. Blurry in the background is a black kitten, nursing.

HALP! Mama TURTLED ME! Poor Orwell. There was WOE and flailing.

A very small white kitten with grey splodges. He is laying on his back, flailing all his paws as he tries to flip himself back over. Mamas foot is by his head, and his brother is against his side.

Mamas paw makes the BEST pillow says Wilde. (Also yet again I am DEAD of the adorable). Everyone had acceptable weight gains overnight, and they're warm and snuggly and smell like happiness.

The tiniest newborn brown tabby kitten, curled up like a real and proper cat, resting his head on his mamas front paw. You can see his white patches, he's identical to his mama.
Reposted by Veronica

you know how it is. you took a nap. everything was fine. when you wake up, though, the squirrels are everywhere. planning their plans. scheming. they are a menace. the humans aren't concerned. they are fools. hubris; sophistry. life is confusing.

an orange and white cat is dejected. things are outside that should be in his belly and this is troubling for him.

Here is a photo of the entirety of Wilde (centre), so you can see he's definitely a brown tabby. You can also see how mamas legs fade to the same colour brown. He's very striking, but he's not a secret tortie.

A close up of three kittens nursing and mamas legs holding them close. We're particularly looking at Wilde, the centre kitten, who is a dramatically patterned classic brown tabby. His brown and black is very striking, and then he has a white belly and front paws. 

To the left of Wilde, we have Orwell, a mostly white kitten with some grey splodges, and then to the right we have Beatrix, a stunning black kitten. Mama is a brown tabby with white paws and belly - sometimes called a tabby tuxie.

They are so ridiculously cute, and Flynn is doing such a good job. Obvs I'm smitten, but she was trusting enough to let me lift each kit for a quick photo in the good light. Wilde has a tiny splodge of black on his nose and I am dead of adorable.

A very very tiny tabby and white kitten held in my curled hand. His mama is in the background making sure I'm keeping her floating baby safe.
Profile shot of a very tiny white and grey kitten held in my curled hand. He's 95% white with splodges over his ear.
A tiny black void kitten, curled into my hand. I love her.

Flynn is at the point, post-birth where I go omg why did I let you eat the placentas! Internet, the poops were .... the worst. She had poop ON HER FACE. I have cleaned her, much to her hissy disgust. No poop photos, just kittens.

A very very small white kitten with grey spots is curled up between his mamas stinky butt and he fluffy green blanket.
An impossibly small tabby and white kitten is using his black sister as a pillow. She looks like a void he is sinking into. Mama is in the background grooming her terrible self.

I am DEAD. I'm sorry this is 100% a kitten account now. This is little Wilde cuddling with his mama. Everyone was a bit upset about blanket changes, but they've settled down now. Bonus cameo by Beatrix (black kitten)

An absolutely adorable photo of a tiny newborn tabby and white kitten face poking out of the space between his mamas neck and her front paw. Mama is also tabby and white. There's a bonus black kitten at the bottom of the photo.

Kids have voted on old fashioned authors, so please meet Beatrix (black), Orwell (white/grey), and Wilde (tabby).

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She/Her. Soapmaker, lapsed writer, really just very tired. I foster lots of cats, and have a special soft spot for ferals and feral rehab. Autistic/ADHD. Disabled - cEDS. Tasmanian. You can buy soap here:
1.4k followers310 following2.9k posts