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Victoria Janssen
I love cats, comics, and houseplants. She, her. SFWA Romance Steering Committee member. Writer of "A Place of Refuge" hopepunk space opera:
558 followers1.1k following999 posts

Urge your reps to fund free COVID vaccines for underinsured and uninsured adults. Over 25 million US adults will not have covered access to updated boosters and will be required to pay more than $200. #didthistoday

Bring Back Free COVID Vaccines for Uninsured and Underinsured Adults
Bring Back Free COVID Vaccines for Uninsured and Underinsured Adults

Join us in urging Congress, President Biden, and Vice President Harris to fund free COVID vaccines for underinsured and uninsured adults. The CDC’s Bridge Access Program, which provided free COVID vac...


Boosting this even though it's not enough—this should be universal with no means testing!

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Victoria Janssen
I love cats, comics, and houseplants. She, her. SFWA Romance Steering Committee member. Writer of "A Place of Refuge" hopepunk space opera:
558 followers1.1k following999 posts