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Victoria Redfern
Current location: St. Leonards-on-Sea, England 'You're one of us now.' - The Doug Anthony All-Stars. Made in Scotland from girders. Any pronouns. Gender is a spectrum.
485 followers384 following5.1k posts

Does anyone know a non-rapey sex pest reason why he's 'baptising' people in his pants rather than wearing swimming stuff or a wetsuit or just anything?


St. Leonards is being sold to me with art, 2nd hand bookshops & lots of quirky independent places & people, but last night I found out it's also so bursting with friendly wildlife (badgers you can have a stroll and a chat with, benevolent foxes taking in strays) it's practically a Disney cartoon.


Apparently I am cool, but the reasons I am cool were not itemised so I'm rather confused as to why. Answers on a postcard.


Oh God. My train is cancelled due to a fallen tree on the line. Am on another train to East Croydon and hoping this works?


I can't find my little notebook and am trying not to panic. But then remembered I never manage to write these days anyway. And then remember how I once found myself without a notebook and had to write on paper tissues. I did used to write. I had to write.


First Day of Condensation. :(


Good Lord, I think I have just witnessed a societal watershed moment. Advert for girl razors mentioned PUBIC HAIR! rather than 'bikini line'. I nearly dropped my crumpets.


I still can't get over finding out that pulling your socks tight up your calves isn't just a weird nerdy thing, it's a generational fashion thing. I still boggle at people deliberately doing it, but now I do some extra boggling because how did this become +fashion consensus+?


Ha. Showing my age, wondering who his dad was. In my eyes he looked like he was on work experience, and it'll probably turn out he's in his 30s. It was his BOYFRIEND.

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Victoria Redfern
Current location: St. Leonards-on-Sea, England 'You're one of us now.' - The Doug Anthony All-Stars. Made in Scotland from girders. Any pronouns. Gender is a spectrum.
485 followers384 following5.1k posts