Left,Politics, Environment, Humour, Dogs, Animals …
328 followers416 following2.5k posts
Reposted by Vikki

Many of us called it from the beginning that the Gaza genocide was not about rescuing the hostages (who Israel keeps killing) or even about destroying Hamas (who Israel is helping recruit). It was always about ethnically cleansing the land of Gaza...

If Netanyahu besieges northern Gaza, the civilised world has to consider military intervention
If Netanyahu besieges northern Gaza, the civilised world has to consider military intervention

The proposed siege would be many steps too far

Reposted by Vikki

"Records obtained by the Guardian show that lobbyists working for major North American oil and gas companies were key architects of anti-protest laws that increase penalties and could lead to non-violent environmental and climate activists being imprisoned up to 10 years."

Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US
Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US

Lobbyists and lawmakers have coordinated to enact new laws that increase criminal penalties for peaceful protests


Exclusive: States abandon federal terrorism ‘clusterf--k’ The national strategy on counterterrorism has collapsed, with the states walking away and dysfunction hobbling Home Affairs. By Jason Koutsoukis.

Exclusive: States abandon federal terrorism ‘clusterf--k’
Exclusive: States abandon federal terrorism ‘clusterf--k’

The national strategy on counterterrorism has collapsed, with the states walking away and dysfunction hobbling Home Affairs.

Reposted by Vikki

The caretaker period kicks off on Tuesday. But, before then, the Queensland Labor govt will launch a consultation paper on planning law changes proposed to tackle anti-competitive behaviour from major supermarkets.

Queensland floats ‘state interest’ for supermarket sector competition
Queensland floats ‘state interest’ for supermarket sector competition

In one of its last acts before the October election, the government will launch consultation on ideas to “drive down” grocery prices with planning changes.

Left,Politics, Environment, Humour, Dogs, Animals …
328 followers416 following2.5k posts