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Kim Weeden
Prof of Sociology (at Cornell, but I don't speak for it). Inequality, higher education, gender, work and organizations, open science, Alaska
2.4k followers805 following818 posts

B/c of my field, I most often encounter it in context of "the lived experience of segregation". Usually authors mean segregation in everyday encounters: e.g., who you see in your neighborhood, at work, etc. But all segregation is "lived": it's part of social structure, even if we don't notice it.


I try to avoid "lived experience" in my writing, except in tongue-in-cheek skeets, b/c I think it's so unclear. Most often, dropping "lived" doesn't alter meaning. If it does, I try to figure out what I wanted to convey - personal vs. vicarious? everyday interactions? something else? - and rewrite.


Some authors seem to use "lived experience" to mean personal, as opposed to vicarious, experience. Others seem to use it to mean everyday life. Still others seem to use it to mean experience, but with an extra word. But, what do I know? It's just my lived experience with lived experience.


Story establishes scope of erosion problem by noting that CA patios (oh no not the patio) & 10 Outer Banks homes have fallen into sea, but not that entire AK villages have had to relocate b/c of sea levels. It's almost like Indigenous communities don't count.

He bought his dream home. In 10 years, it could fall into the ocean.
He bought his dream home. In 10 years, it could fall into the ocean.

David Moot secured a three-bedroom, two-bathroom bungalow with sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean for just under $400,000 — but its days are numbered.


I need to fly out to British Columbia to help my parents with some upcoming medical stuff, but I'm not sure if I can afford the trip!

Screenshot of flight cost from Ithaca to Vancouver BC via Istanbul. Total is $7,881.90.

Eric Adams has a lot to answer for, not the least of which is the millions of Americans of all ages who can't get "Instanbul [sic], not Costantinople [sic]" out of their heads. The Muppets' version is, naturally, the best one.

Istanbul Not Constantinople - Muppets Tonight
Istanbul Not Constantinople - Muppets Tonight

YouTube video by Kori Valz


I am no longer going to feel guilty about spending an extra $20 on a plane ticket so that I can avoid the airline ahem American Airlines that once stranded me at O'Hare for 15 hours because a ticket agent didn't understand how time zones work.


Wrote 2500 words on a new paper this afternoon. I'm at the brain dump stage so I know very few of the sentences will survive editing. Even so, it feels good to be writing again after 2 weeks of travel and conferences.

kermit the frog is typing on a typewriter .
kermit the frog is typing on a typewriter .

Alt: Kermit the frog typing madly on an old-fashioned typewriter.


Mine drops "utilize" into sentences just to get a rise out of me. "Utilize" in a sentence is like a fart in an elevator: entirely avoidable, and stinks up the joint for all the other words.

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Kim Weeden
Prof of Sociology (at Cornell, but I don't speak for it). Inequality, higher education, gender, work and organizations, open science, Alaska
2.4k followers805 following818 posts