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Will Jones
Historian of race and class; Author: The March on Washington & The Tribe of Black Ulysses; Professor, University of Minnesota; President; "Up For Debate" Editor
1.3k followers3.2k following505 posts

ā€œPublic and private colleges alike should be doubling down on protecting the academic freedom of their faculty members in this time of deepening polarizationā€”not outright firing them for social media posts.ā€ Kristen Shahverdian, program director for campus free speech at PEN America

Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post
Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post

Pennsylvaniaā€™s Muhlenberg College may have become the first institution since Oct.Ā 7 to oust a tenured faculty member for such statements, though the professor is appealing the decision and still rece...


ā€œPublic and private colleges alike should be doubling down on protecting the academic freedom of their faculty members in this time of deepening polarizationā€”not outright firing them for social media posts.ā€ Kristen Shahverdian, program director for campus free speech at PEN America

Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post
Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post

Pennsylvaniaā€™s Muhlenberg College may have become the first institution since Oct.Ā 7 to oust a tenured faculty member for such statements, though the professor is appealing the decision and still rece...


Seen in St Paul

Reposted by Will Jones

Update: I have received a subjectless email from millionaire UMD donor, and owner of the Atlanta Hawks, Bruce Levenson, who objects to my description of him as a cranky Facebook uncle just bc he writes angry letters to faculty, with their bosses CC'ed, and then forwards them news clips for months.


Penn suspended Professor Wax for a year with half-pay for claiming ā€œour country will be better off with more whites and fewer non-whites." Muhlenberg fired Professor Finklestein for sharing a social media post that, it claimed, violated its equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policies.

Meet the First Tenured Professor to Be Fired for Pro-Palestine Speech
Meet the First Tenured Professor to Be Fired for Pro-Palestine Speech

Maura Finkelstein was terminated from Muhlenberg College following a pressure campaign that seized on an anti-Zionist Instagram repost.

Reposted by Will Jones

Community college of Baltimore has won their union! This is the sixth Maryland community college union recognized this year, all with AFT. Joining Frederick, PG, Howard, Chesapeake, and Cecil. Freddy, PG, and Howard should have contracts any day now.


Bill Lucy, left, planning a march to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., after his assassination in Memphis on April 4, 1968. Others, left to right, Bayard Rustin, Jerry Wurf, T.O. Jones; May Reuther, Walter Reuther.


We lost a giant last night. Bill Lucy was one of the most important Black and Labor leaders in U.S. history, but remains largely forgotten. I'm honored to be part of a team writing about his life and legacy.

AFSCMEā€™s Saunders pays tribute to labor legend Bill Lucy
AFSCMEā€™s Saunders pays tribute to labor legend Bill Lucy

President Lee Saunders released this statement following the death of AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus Bill Lucy

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Will Jones
Historian of race and class; Author: The March on Washington & The Tribe of Black Ulysses; Professor, University of Minnesota; President; "Up For Debate" Editor
1.3k followers3.2k following505 posts