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Xan delights not me
poet, author, astrophysicist, supervillain 💛🤍💜🖤
3.5k followers1.4k following19.8k posts

MCU Loki is an interesting character because he's a different character in every movie. He's fun as a villain because he has so much fun with it, and he's compelling as a hero because he's so full of conflict. Whatever he is, his charisma always sells it.

Loki, lit up in blue-purple lighting, with slightly messed up hair, looking off screen like he's planning something. Something which, if this is the scene I think it is, turns out to be quite unwise.

Mel probably had the least compelling story in Arcane, but to be fair, she was up against a lot of tough competition. Kind of a pity though. Still, in my opinion, she has the best aesthetic of any character in the show, which is saying a lot.

Mel, with her dark skin and gold jewellery, sitting in front of a window with sunlight streaming in. She's looking quizzically at some kind of gizmo.
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Xan delights not me
poet, author, astrophysicist, supervillain 💛🤍💜🖤
3.5k followers1.4k following19.8k posts