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Yair Wallach
Associate Professor (Reader) @SOAS, researching Palestine/Israel history. Race, migration, material culture, Antisemitism. "City in Fragments" (Stanford 2020) Currently working on Ashkenazi integration in the Arab Levant. Menasky
4k followers295 following2.4k posts

The pilots and intelligence officers who only a year ago threatened to abandon service, are now leading the campaign, and proving they are indispensable, on the one hand, but also that they will continue to take orders from a Kahanist government bent on never-ending war. 5/


Israel's "elites'" hi-tech military depends on economic prosperity, global connections and alliances. It is unclear that Israel will be able to sustain this as Israel's isolation grows, and its economic future is in question - with its sovereign debt downgraded tonight to the lowest rate ever.

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Yair Wallach
Associate Professor (Reader) @SOAS, researching Palestine/Israel history. Race, migration, material culture, Antisemitism. "City in Fragments" (Stanford 2020) Currently working on Ashkenazi integration in the Arab Levant. Menasky
4k followers295 following2.4k posts