Won’t be checking in tonight with the #8pmwritingsprints as I’m pet-sitting and that’s doggo time. But I WILL be sprinting and I expect you to be writing too! Go chase those #NaNoWriMo words, my friends!


I'm going for one more of the #8pmwritingsprints tonight. This should cap off day 2 of my #NaNoWriMo words. It's so much easier to write when I know I have to report my progress to others... Your time starts NOW. Meet you back here at 8:55 for final celebrations. Then we'll do it again tomorrow!


Ready. Set. Go! The #8pmwritingsprints start now. Check back in at 8:25 to celebrate your progress. Whether you write 10 words or 1000, writing sprints are always a win.


Okay and I every evening at 8 pm EST for the #8pmwritingsprints. Start writing at 8, get as many words down as you can, then check in with your progress at 8:25. Take a breather, and go again at 8:30!

An Apple laptop covered in writing-related stickers: Reading is sexy, emotionally attached to fictional characters, as you wish, I am not left handed, write on, make good art, sorry I can’t the angel of music is very strict, caution watch for falling chandeliers, choose kindness