The term was definitely around before Shrew & I did #9ReplyGuys in 2018. I believe it mostly referred to guys replying to a woman to hit on her, which isn’t strictly how we used it. I’ll just add that almost all “reply guys” THINK they are in a non-derogatory subcategory. Maybe some really are.


Something that we wanted #9ReplyGuys to do on twitter that never quite clicked there, but really fits with Bluesky, is to give people permission to stop an unhealthy conversation. If you identify a bad faith or unhelpful reply because of these tropes, mute or block them forever with my blessing


It’s the 6th anniversary of the & me, categorizing misogynistic replies to reports of sexual harassment in STEM🧪. These guys are still around, and these creepy rhetorical tactics are used for lots of things, so we recreated the thread over here.


One of the first accounts I followed on Twitter was @9replyguys. Their pinned tweet is classic! Hmm, I gotta look around on here and Threads for them..


There was the idea that it's a male stereotype speech pattern to feel entitled to speak. How do you decide if what you are saying needs to be said in a social interaction? The exercise assumes something like that is true. #9replyguys #inadifferentvoice


So pleased to see a discussion about the #9ReplyGuys from the co-creator of this helpful framework that helps us understand why certain replies really aren't as 'helpful' as they may seem. I've been able to identity these patterns in my work as a community professional and it's been so validating


Across the #9ReplyGuys spectrum, I think this one qualifies as “The Life Coach”. Kinda mansplainy but mostly just “here’s some free advice you neither asked for nor needed”


Seeing all the mute/block chat here, and for some reason I’ve immediately felt the need to reread the 9ReplyGuys thread on Mastodon. Because the reply guys are here, and they just want to sea lion you about your curation choices.


The 9 Types of Reply Guys 🧵 #9ReplyGuys A thread by, originally posted on Twitter, 2018 #9: TROLLS, CREEPS & FOOLS Not an interesting group, but a large one.

#9ReplyGuys #9: TROLLS, CREEPS & FOOLS

Your to ugly too sexualy harass
Your so hot he couldn't help himself
[Joking does the exact thing the woman is talking about] get it?? :p
[overt sexist racist queerphobic nonsense]
When will your chart of WOMEN be released?
You girls b*ch about someone complimenting your ass while our country is literally exploding.
Anvone who says l'm mansplaining is gaslighting. Anyone who says I'm gaslighting is sealioning
The word "troll" has lost all meaning. I get called a troll on here 40 times a day
I'm offended, you #@&$€#%

AKA: [misspell his name--they hate that]
Problem: Covert misogyny just wasn't enough
Warning: Not as nice as he seems
What He Should Do: Delete his account

The 9 Types of Reply Guys 🧵 #9ReplyGuys A thread by, originally posted on Twitter, 2018 #8: THE PRESTIGE

Reply Guy #8: THE PRESTIGE

But if we hold him accountable for his actions, his legacy of being given awards will be destroyed!
He's essential to his field. He's a genius. I've never heard of YOU
Any system that rewards me is by definition a meritocracy. If women want to get ahead they can buckle down and do way more work than me
Great men can't be shackled by ethics
Women love to rub their degrees in our faces-so tacky. A well-tailoree suit tells you all you need to know about my qualifications
Dealing with sexism would distract from my important work. It doesn't affect me, and working on it won't impress other men
Who's complaining? Oh, HER 🙄

AKA: Great Man Syndrome; Look Here Miss;
The D List
Problem: Your colleagues want to impress him Warning: Your success won't change his mind
What He Should Do: Stop replying, start listening