when you spend twenty years getting into enough trouble to excuse fentanyl abuse and try to come up with a hot take

Screenshot of Instagram comment saying "millennials just fought in Afghanistan for 20 years. Talk shit about gen Z and the soft ass people who came afterwards"

thinking about that news story after the Taliban took over Afghanistan where they interviewed a bunch of their now-government workers who all wished they had never won


I know there is very little point in counterfactuals and alternative histories, but I do wonder if you didn’t have the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo, the whole GWOT, would the U.S. have any more moral clarity around Gaza and Lebanon?


I have to confess; the Afghanistan withdrawal, the asymmetrical coverage of the candidates, & the freakout over choosing Walz over Shapiro (what a tempest in a teapot that was!) have combined to pretty well blackpill me on this one. Any pullback from supporting Israel will be covered as treason.


We said there's no difference between the parties. There was. Had Gore been elected and 9/11 occurred, we still likely would have invaded Afghanistan. We'd have said, "see. there's no difference," blissfully unaware that we had avoided a whole second war killing half a million more people.


Die Definition der sicheren Drittstaaten ist den einzelnen Ländern überlassen. Deutschland muss nicht nach Syrien und Afghanistan abschieben, Deutschland will dorthin abschieben. Allen voran SPD-Faeser. Ohne Not. Das sind bewusste Entscheidungen, die die SPD mit herbeigeführt hat.


Or Afghanistan


Not sure how to phrase this appropriately, but after Afghanistan withdrawal I get the sense that Netanyahu knows that the Biden administration and the Democratic Party can be annihilated by the US political press in an instant


He wanted to use a nuke and was talked out of it a couple of times. He did get to use largest conventional weapon the US had on Afghanistan. It was the first time it was deployed - I wonder if he was talked down from using a nuke

Trump Drops the Mother of All Bombs on Afghanistan
Trump Drops the Mother of All Bombs on Afghanistan

America’s biggest non-nuclear bomb was used on one of the smallest militias in the world. That decision revealed the Trump Administration’s revised chain of command.