CW #AbleismKills, Covid Nothing more to say about Masks.


I was really gonna leave it alone, I promise, but I saw this, and there I went.

A tweet from an account I intentionally hid identifying information from with text:
"FFS most of the people now yelling at me in my mentions should be freaking allies.

But I committed the cardinal sin of asking, 'Can you please not do a bigotry when talking about this very important topic?'

I literally said please in the post everyone is harassing me about.


My response beneath it says:
"The word 'freak' is ableist, but you are directly directly insulting someone with your usage here, so its not being used in an ableist way.

Language changes.

Context matters."

I guess the attention must be dying down because her claims have also now veered into 'calling someone a moron is equivalent to the Holocaust' territory. Absolutely wild behaviour

A skeet from Karistina Lafae reading as follows and accompanied, inexplicably, by a link to the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust:

'Last night, I ended up in a whole meltdown after asking someone not to use ableist slurs and they told me not to police their language. Calling out slurs is not policing language.

As I spiraled, some folks responded to my #AbleismKills with "no-one's died."

But they have.'

Tried to back into the whole thing to see what happened, looked up the user and first post is fucking wild as expected

Post from user saying "Last night I ended up in a whole meltdown after asking someone not to use ableist slurs and they told me not to police their language. Calling out slurs is not policing language."

"As I spiraled, some folks responded to my #AbleismKills with 'no one's died.'"

"But they have."

Followed by a link to the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust for Disabled People.

Last night, I ended up in a whole meltdown after asking someone not to use ableist slurs and they told me not to police their language. Calling out slurs is not policing language. As I spiraled, some folks responded to my #AbleismKills with "no one's died." But they have.

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Disabled people
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Disabled people

The Nazis targeted for persecution anyone that they believed to have mental or physical disabilities. From 1939-1941 the Nazis carried out a programme of ‘euthanasia’, known as the T4 programme (T...


When I say that #AbleismKills, I mean that the casually dehumanizing language of ableism is what allows disabled people to be used as a trial run for larger-scale genocide. There are many examples, but this is one of the worst in recent memory... from a Holocaust memorial org itself.

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Disabled people
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Disabled people

The Nazis targeted for persecution anyone that they believed to have mental or physical disabilities. From 1939-1941 the Nazis carried out a programme of ‘euthanasia’, known as the T4 programme (T...


Andrew Wakefield was a fraud and a shill who convinced people that it was better for kids to die of preventable diseases than to become autistic, even though there was ZERO indication causal evidence linking the MMR to autism. He's proof that #AbleismKills. But he certainly wasn't the first.

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Disabled people
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Disabled people

The Nazis targeted for persecution anyone that they believed to have mental or physical disabilities. From 1939-1941 the Nazis carried out a programme of ‘euthanasia’, known as the T4 programme (T...


Not a girl. But thanks for misgendering me along with your ableist apologism. #AbleismKills because y'all casually dehumanize disabled people - even some of my fellow disabled people with their lateral ableism - but sure, let's not think about the intellectually disabled people dying in Gaza either.