A question for academics: what about disclosing one's identity as reviewer once the paper is published? 1. Never, BAAAAD 2. Why not? 3. Depends (on what?) I'd greatly appreciate if you would explain your vote. #AcWri#geography


IšŸ§”Laurel Richardson's approach to academic writing generally and this, specifically, because of the focus on writer agency, choice, & the complexities of referring to the 'world' (or REALITY). #AcWri#AcademicLiteracies#ResearchWriting#AcademicChatter#PhD#ArtificialIntelligence#CriticalRealism

Language is a constitutive force, creating a particular view of reality and of the Self. Producing ā€œthingsā€ always involves value ā€“ what to produce, what to name the productions, and what the relationship between the producers and the named things will be. Writing things is no exception. No textual staging is ever innocent (including this one).

Richardson and St. Pierre (2005, p. 960)
Richardson, L., & St. Pierre, E. A. (2005). Writing: A Method of Inquiry. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative research, 3rd ed. (pp. 959-978). Sage Publications Ltd.

For the record, I don't agree with everything in Bennett's text, eg. unnuanced references to 'knowledge' or that linguistic imperialism is 'irrelevant' but I sympathise with the broader point, namely that knowledge gets lost in translation & in other transductions #AcWri#tleap#AcademicLiteracies


It concerns me bcos of implications it may have for epistemicide, i.e., the killing of knowledge that's not re-presented according to the 'expected frequencies & intenisites' of English Academic Discourse

Translating knowledge in the multilingual paradigm: Beyond epistemicide - Karen Bennett, 2023
Translating knowledge in the multilingual paradigm: Beyond epistemicide - Karen Bennett, 2023

The term ā€˜epistemicideā€™ was first coined by the Portuguese sociologist, Boaventura de Sousa Santos to refer to the systematic eradication by western science of ...


Without amplifying the voices of adverts to 'supercharge' & sugar-coat the knowledge work involved in academic research-writing, does anyone know of studies on the link between #AI#AcWri they 'simplify'? Are they trained to 'simplify' standard genres, eg IMRADs?


Saturday night with #Sherlock#AcWri#CrimeFiction

Museum of London exhibition companion; Larry Millettā€™s first Holmes novel; volume 1 of ACDā€™s Complete Sherlock Holmes (Bantam edition)

Publishing a 6-prompt exchange with a free


It's another Friday and I thought I'd be further along in the writing than I am. But, I'm pretty excited about how it's shaping up, and will keep chugging along. #AcWri


*sigh* #AcWri

why can;t you be normal meme with text in top box "why can't you just write normally" and bottom text "me, writing for academics"