By now, you're probably aware that the BBC is positioning itself as a whistle-blower in a scandal regarding the misdiagnosis of ADHD by private psychiatrists. While I am reticent to say that it doesn't happen (of


What separates the #ActuallyADHD#ADHD havers? Does it require submitting proof to a committee or receiving a badge or certificate? Is there a secret handshake? Or a card you keep in your wallet?


"I understand now that boundaries between noise and sound are conventions. All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convention if only one can first conceive of doing so." Cloud


I have extensively explored my Autistic relationship with addiction thus far. I have considered and lamented the inappropriate treatment services, the suffering, and rejoiced in the moment that I came out the other side.


Když jsme u #ADHD#actuallyadhd ...


Thanks mom, this is why I don’t talk to you about fucking anything anymore 🙃 #adhd#audhd#actuallyadhd

A screenshot of a group text with my parents. The text says:

Me: “This is always why im so weirdly focused about timed things/appointments”

Mom: “Everyone is like this”

Me: “Not to this extreme!!!!!”

Mom: “We just don’t talk about it”
“Maybe we all have adhd”

Da che ho memoria, ho sempre avuto difficoltà a guardarmi allo specchio. Non riesco neanche a guardarmi in foto, tant’è che odio fotografarmi o farmi fotografare. È un tratto autistico, o sono solo io ad essere così? #autismo#adhd#AuADHD#donneautistiche#adultiautistici#asd #actuallyadhd


Autism Awareness : Boo, motherfucker, I'm in your house, drinking your gravy. Autism Acceptance: Hey, bitch, glad you're here, I made you some gravy. Cos, let's be honest, we all know my neurospicy extends to being #ActuallyAutistic#ActuallyADHD