💫 Join us 💫 for a day long program Thurs Oct 17 with fantastic speakers exploring the social dynamics of aging across primate species and human cultures 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👧‍👦🦍🐒. Attendance free in person or on Zoom, check out our program of talks (PT) and register with the QR code below!


god every time I cough i sound like a squeaky toy I think I have fucking bronchitis I hate this body I hate aging!!!!


I we used to play it without actually aging the Fantasy Battle games to resolve the battles.


I'm trying to get a sense of how much of this is 'the thing I liked growing up has gone away' vs 'this is truly significant for culture', which I suppose is a question I'll have to put to myself with every death now. aging!


I recommend using fermentation bottles and then age a month to three months or so in wooden barrel casks for hard cider if you can get the equipment. After that use glass bottles. Barrels previously used for aging whiskey or bourbon can add to the flavor.


The closest thing I have to a Jamesonian interpretation of this is that Trump elicits for the aging white American Boomer a bygone aspect of their television-addled childhoods--laughing and caring for not, under the direction of the local affiliate TV clown.


OK he's Wolverine except he's an aging actor (Actor) on an interdimensional rescue / revenge mission that turns into long term character exploration. Caine / Hari Michaelson is practically written for me personally and I thank Matt Stover for that and wish you'd all bought more books.

cover of Matthew Woodring Stover's Heroes Die

First hand experience how fantastic it is to have proper mode share for active transit options. I witnessed so many more mobile persons with various age or disability requirements needing mobility when living in NL. Aging populations will suffer greatly with isolation due to #motonormativity


Ein Durchbruch im Anti-Aging: Koreanische Wissenschaftler entdecken lebensverlängerndes Medikament Ein Durchbruch im Anti-Aging: Koreanische Wissenschaftler entdecken lebensverlängerndes Medikament A Breakthrough in Anti-Aging: Korean Scientists Discover …

Ein Durchbruch im Anti-Aging: Koreanische Wissenschaftler entdecken lebensverlängerndes Medikament
Ein Durchbruch im Anti-Aging: Koreanische Wissenschaftler entdecken lebensverlängerndes Medikament

Ein Durchbruch im Anti-Aging: Koreanische Wissenschaftler entdecken lebensverlängerndes Medikament


Captain Dynamo and her brood of pretty fledglings, including Black Sapphire (the blackest one) Rockstar (with the hairdo) and Dirtbaby (bottom corner). The good captain is 6, not a young hen, and my flock matriarch (although the eggs are from everybody's communal nest). She is a wonderful chicken!

A barred partridge hen and her brood of chicks
a hen and fledging chicks
the oldest chick, a beautiful black cockerel, with his aging mother