Für die meisten sollte das gelten, insbesondere für Journos und SM-Teams von Politikers. Aber: Erzähl das mal meinem fuckin' Kopf. Ich poste praktisch keine Bilder, weil ich an jedem Alttext 'ne Stunde rumgrübele, oft noch länger. Ich hoffe einfach, dass KI dafür hier integriert wird.


#altText A twitter user with the title "Shiina | Aeru Studio" says "All the poor artists and creators on twitter. Prior to today, you could opt out of having your posts used for AI / generative training. The new amended terms and conditions have made it impossible to do so. 🫠" and a T&C screensht


very cool and very true... I hope you'll consider adding #AltText to your many great photos


and, final sharing of feed (I have other favorites!) is for Fungi Friends. just lots of cool photos (and facts) about mushrooms. most have


Hiii, I'm kirsten (he/him) and new here like baby. I draw too much, mostly

A sketchy, digital painting of some
woods in sunset or sunrise lighting.
but the scene is bisected by a
flattened dirt path. One half is mostly
in shade, the other shows the light
hitting the side of the trees in green
and orange.
Digital painting of a scene from below a huge high ceiling gazebo. Looking out is just sea water, very blue. And a pier sticking out from the gazebo farth we away. It leads to another gazebo, but much smaller, with red cloth flying from the roof of it. The sky is cyan, some clouds can be seen.
A wide digital painting of two people in a green-blue swampy area. They stand in the middle of still water, illuminated by the sky, its a bit hazy. The scenery i reflected in the water.  One of the people wears a bright red cape that is so long it floats on yhe water. There's tall rocks jutting out in the distance, and a huge rock wall on one side of the canvas.
A digital sketch that's been colored in a painterly style underneath in monochrome grey blue. Someone in a vest sits at a concrete bench under the shade of several trees at a campus. He is looking up, light filtering through the dense canopy. The POV has a fishbowl panoramic effect. Behind and beside him is open air stairs with railing that lead to second level at which all the trees and foliage stand. Around the trees is that heavy foliage of ferns and indistinct plants sticking out from beyond the railing. There are buildings in the background outside of the shade on that second level, poking out from behind all the foliage and trees.

You can also ALTtext your gifs!! which is amazing!


kann ich so nicht bestätigen. Gerade der @ macht das sehr gut, du musst nur auf den grauen Kasten tippen. Besser als gar kein Alttext


Nazi wer nicht AltText. Merk schon.


leider hat das bild keinen alttext, aber weil ein wikilink mehr sagt als ein bild darum gehts im bild, die erste Webcam, die den Füllstand der Kaffemaschine ab 1991 aufnahm und ins netz stellte.