I'm exaggerating (only slightly!), but there's still an unsettling amount of back-and-forth on when different ranges got high and thus strongly erosive. We can *probably* show that a big part of the Andes was high and eroding well before the Miocene and the vague beginnings the Cenozic ice age.


How much of the "mountain building is a carbon sink" idea originated from the *apparent* growth of the Himalayas/Andes/a bunch of others in the Miocene? (To hear some people tell it, Earth in the Cenozoic had no mountains until the Miocene.)


Me considero bom em geografia, mas algumas coisas ainda me confundem. Por ex, acabei de descobrir q a cordilheira q marca a fronteira geográfica entre a Europa e a Ásia (Montes Urais, Rússia) ñ é tão grande quanto eu imaginava. A Cordilheira dos Andes é 3 vezes mais extensa e tem picos mais altos


The philosophy of Plurinationalism developed in the Andes to recognize multiple autonomous Indigenous nations in each country; to create one world where many nations fit. And, the West’s disharmony with other countries has led to colonialism. We need to return to Yanantin/Chacha-Warmi thinking. ⁴/


Williamson's research identified two populations with two very distinct migration patterns - one resident in the central Andes, one that does this long-distance, elevationally extreme migration.


Birds followed the Andes north, bypassing the Atacama, then rapidly return south along a different path along the coast to breed in Chile. Some of these birds' journeys rivaled the longest known hummingbird migration, that of the rufous hummingbird.


"Mountains are potent forces in shaping biodiversity." Huge ecological changes across short distances over steep elevational gradients. Williamson's work has focused on birds in the Andes - what role to elevational gradients there play in generating & maintaining bdioversity?


....Sucre, Monagas, Miranda, Dtto Capital, Aragua, Guárico, Lara, región de los Andes y Zulia.