I can't find the Tibetan spelling anywhere but Wiktionary is telling me this is the hanyu pinyin for 深怕, which certainly looks like a related or derived term? Wondering if the anglophone Buddhist sphere is outright misattributing this to Tibetan or if there's crossover? It's supposedly bivalent...


This was one of my favourite bits of Guy Deutscher's "The Unfoldig of Language" - his historical recap of (mostly Anglophone) peevers ranting about the debasement of their language compared to the good old days

1 authentic historical dialogue based on Taiga drama, they became less interested and cut the whole conversation. I think the language used in the show is an entirely pragmatic compromise, a bit like using "Thee" and "Thou" and a British accent to signify "the past" in Anglophone dramas.


there is no such thing as a 'silent majority' in western anglophone society. the one thing that unites canadians, americans, the peoples of the UK, australians, and new zealanders is that they're all unstable loudmouths who WILL let you know when you've pissed them off whether you like it or not


An excellent & important read! "What was initially perceived in the West as the adverse Anglophone Pavlovian response to Black representation in spaces historically deemed “non-Black” has proven to be far more complex, revealing that culture war rhetoric has found a receptive niche in Japan..."


haha oui, à la base ça vient des manchots qui s'offrent des galets et c'est appliqué par la sphère NA anglophone pour ces petits memes/trucs qu'on pose dans la conv en mode "ça m'a fait penser à toi", sans bonjour ni rien, avant de redisparaître


Et il faut être anglophone mais tellement de franco-français ne le sont pas et donc se vexent si on leur explique un truc 🤭


Anglophone? Es-tu québécois?