If you want a Chromium browser try Vivaldi, Edge, or even Brave. The Chromium based MS Edge is actually surprisingly good, and much easier on RAM than Chrome. And with Macbooks always uprage the RAM and SSD, to avoid data transfer speed bottlenecks. #AppleTax


“if Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael had their way, the state and Irish taxpayers would be down over €13bn. “You could not make this up. The parties of government, who lecture fiscal prudence, sought to obstruct more than €13bn that the state was due”

If Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael had their way, Irish taxpayers would be down over €13bn - Mary Lou McDonald TD
If Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael had their way, Irish taxpayers would be down over €13bn - Mary Lou McDonald TD

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald TD has welcomed today’s final Apple Tax judgement, and described as reckless and unforgiveable the decision by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to drag the case through the...


Today, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Apple must pay €13,000,000,000 (€13bn) in unpaid taxes to the Dublin government - much to the disappointment of the latter. #AppleTax 🧵


Apple is sinds ze alles zelf in de hand willen hebben wel ambetant ja... want dan betaal je de appletax ramprijzen... maar aangezien mijn beeldbewerking meestal even snel gaat als mijn muisbewegingen... doet ram er weinig toe voor sneller! iPad is voor de kiddo's hiere...


"Pay different" #AppleTax