Ahh, yes. Colonialism. So much fun! 999-year leases! "Farms of less than 160 acres were given away free." GIVEN AWAY FREE!!!!!!!!!

After the First World War the Kenya government promised free land in the region that had become known as the 'white highlands' on 999-year leases at an annual rent of just ten cents an acre [to white people]. Farms of less than 160 acres were given away free. By June 1919, 2,000 applications had flooded into Nairobi.

If you have proficient computer skills and the ability to work remotely, either part-time or full-time, please contact us for a lucrative opportunity. We welcome applications from dedicated professionals only.


Also big shout out to the people denying job applications over the weekend. Just too excited to say no to people, squeezing it in whenever they have a free moment. True love of the game shit.


If you have proficient computer skills and the ability to work remotely, either part-time or full-time, please contact us for a lucrative opportunity. We welcome applications from dedicated professionals only.


It also has commercial applications. Heatless habaneros mean that capsaicin can be added to food products afterwards so that the heat level is always the same. Kind of like what they do for jalapenos.


Important read: “In sum, the results support the double standard hypothesis and provide evidence that different outcomes in P&T decision-making processes contribute to the sustained underrepresentation of URM faculty in tenured faculty positions.”

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Underrepresented minority faculty in the USA face a double standard in promotion and tenure decisions
Theodore Masters-Waage, Christiane
Spitzmueller, ... Juan Madera M
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Nature Human Behaviour (2024) | Cite this article
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Underrepresented minority (URM) faculty face challenges in many domains of academia, from university admissions to grant applications. We examine whether this
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Underrepresented minority (URM) faculty face challenges in many domains of academia, from university admissions to grant applications. We examine whether this translates to promotion and tenure (P&T) decisions. Data from five US universities on 1,571 faculty members' P&T decisions show that URM faculty received 7% more negative votes and were 44% less likely to receive unanimous votes from P&T committees. A double standard in how scholarly productivity is rewarded is also observed, with below-average h-indexes being judged more harshly for URM faculty than for non-URM faculty. This relationship is amplified for faculty with intersectional backgrounds, especially URM women. The differential treatment of URM women was mitigated…
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especially URM women. The differential treatment of URM women was mitigated when external reviewers highlighted candidates' scholarship more in their review
letters. In sum, the results support the double standard hypothesis and provide evidence that different outcomes in P&T
decision-making processes contribute to the sustained underrepresentation of URM faculty in tenured faculty positions.

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative invites applications for a five-year funding grant (2025–2030) that supports excellent biomedical researchers with a record of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in their scientific field 🧪

Science Diversity Leadership Award
Science Diversity Leadership Award


Don't forget the Sauces app or whatever it's called. Some chains do applications through it but when you schedule an interview it doesn't notify the place at all. Tacobell is one of the places along with Noodles and co.