Found another 400 photos... #GoodMorning#Bonjour#GutenTag#ArkOnWheels adventures. I'll sort and share later Going to post my heardle game shortly. Play along?

A black sky, split by bright red of the approaching dawn

I really researched for my #ArkOnWheels tour. I did mile by mile of every highway, checked every parking lot. We had a major problem without a place to park until end May.


Watching the sun setting in Geneva, Ohio. #Selfie#ArkOnWheels

A silhouette of a couple against the setting sun over Lake Erie.

You know there's more photos, right? I was averaging a GB of photos/videos for each of the 30 days we were traveling. I've just included some samples in each of the storytelling segments of our trip. Here's the summation in #Video#Alpaca#ArkOnWheels Thus ends another day.

Funny Face Alpacas
Funny Face Alpacas

A visit to Holdfast Hilty Family Farm, an Alpaca Farm, that gives tours, open to the public, canteen and gift shop. Alpaca hair products and more. We were just visiting overnight, and saw Alpacas for our first time. HHFF Medway, Ohio, USA


You could look at Alpacas all day, couldn't you? We're off to the Gift shop, to support our Host. As mentioned before, Members of Harvest Hosts are encouraged to support their hosts, buy their wine, food or crafts. A small purchase in an Alpaca store isn't cheap. #Alpaca#ArkOnWheels

A lady with a blue ball cap on, glasses and standing at the rails where an Alpaca is fenced behind
Inside the merchandise store, a row of shelves, multi-colours dolls, gloves, socks, key chains, every imaginable item with Alpaca wool in it
The Gift Shop dolls, modeled like Alpacas instead of  bears
A model Alpaca, and more shelves in the store portion of the farm

Separate buildings, separate pens, the nursery unit is over here.. Once you've seen one baby Alpaca... naturally, you'll want to see the rest. . #Alpaca#ArkOnWheels

A group of smaller juvenile Alpacas. Separately penned from the adults
A fluffy little cream coloured baby alpaca with a pink collar and a name, 'Tapioca', it looks like it reads
A white baby alpaca, laying on the floor, lower than the bars that contain them
A little black Alpaca on the floor with another above seems to be touching its ear, perhaps the mother

"How will she look when she's older? Look to the mother" These are the mothers. LOOK AT THE MOTHER It's hard to get them to look directly at a camera. They all want to show their best side on the runway.😉 ♪ To all the girls I've loved before Who wandered in & out my stall #Alpaca#ArkOnWheels

A corral of Female Alpacas. There's a separate pen for each group
The face of a mother Alpaca. The smile looks so fake.
This Alpaca has some straw stuck to its face below the eye, and just adds to the funny face. the back looks knitted, from fresh shearing
Looks a bit Snooty.. The Real Housewives of Green Acres. Alpaca

"Kiss the Greeter", naa.. I hear they spit. This farm has several large buildings, barns for groups of #Alpacas#Alpaca#ArkOnWheels

An Alpaca is at the bars of the enclosure, and a woman and a man face it from the outside. The man appears to be offering a kiss. He's a former sailor, they'll kiss anyone.
A black furry looking male Alpaca, all by itself inside a large gated area. 
He's responsible for a number of new babies and can't be trusted around the ladies.

It was an enduring drive from Missouri, through Illinois, Indiana & into Ohio before evening. We were arriving at an #Alpaca#ArkOnWheels Adventure: 'DOWN ON THE FARM' When I contacted our host, he said he'd meet us to lead us around back. A big group event was going on inside.

Parked behind fencing, against a treeline, and surrounded by other vehicles, is our old motorhome. It's just a parking spot on the grass
SIGN - WARNING, under Ohio law there is no liability for an injury or death in an agritourism activity conducted at this agritourism location ...... etc..

Today's story seems long, and the day hasn't ended. We'll be staying, on this night, at an #Alpaca#Alpacas#HarvestHost#ArkOnWheels

In the world of Alpacas, this one is a beaut. Cute and ugly at the same time. There's a coral of them, with one face in the center