As an armybrat whose dad wrote dozens of letters of recommendation to help people get out & knew of only 2 who succeeded, I carry a lot of rage over this very thing. 1 in particular - guy saved so many of ours & we thanked him by turning him away. It cost him & his whole family their lives.🤬💔


*mentally engaging in a behavior that would either get me incarcerated or deleted* This motherfucker... I swear, I thought I would never hate anyone the way I hated Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld. (Armybrat during OEF/OIF). Every day this asshole wastes oxygen proves I was wrong about that.


Seriously. I loathed that prick. It feels like we have reached a new circle of hell that people like him & Bush are suddenly seen as tame, reasonable & less despicable in comparison. I still loathe them & as an armybrat will NEVER forget or forgive, but it feels like the klan took over the GOP.


Look, I abhor gun violence & support efforts for gun control. However, I grew up an armybrat with guns in the home for hunting & emergencies. I knew how to handle them safely & respect them. 1 night at 16 I was babysitting my 3 sibs. Armed fugitives were chased into our area & i locked & loaded./1


I still to this day hold a massive grudge on behalf of both the Khan family & Mrs. Johnson, the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson, in addition to all the "suckers & losers" past & present in my family tree & friend circle. No punishment is too severe for him. Signed, An Armybrat who remembers


Did this dude legit Rip Van Winkle thru 2001 - 2005?! Is he on crack? I was in high school. An armybrat whose dad ended up in the sandbox 4 times. HS near Ft. Campbell w/ a diverse student population. We ended up having to protect our brown friends. The hate was VICIOUS & kids parroted it! Wtf.


09-12 was hell. There were bright spots, but the struggle was hell. I'm an armybrat & raised to work hard. I HATED surviving off state aid but childcare cost more than I'd make even IF I could find work. My MH tanked & the judgy ppl made it worse. I felt like a failure. Better but still clawing up.


Armybrat whose dad went to the damn sandbox 4 times under that asshole's admin. Hate isn't a strong enough word. I also read read this with little more than a "huh. Imagine that. Anyway, it's still fuck that guy forever, but another vote for the team is a good thing."🤷‍♀️


Me an armybrat: 😳😬 I can just imagine the pucker factor going on with the range Sergeant that day. Yikes.