For comparison, I do have a HEQ-5, Astrotech 72mm refractor and SVBONY full frame camera. That set up is definitely better, obviously. But ... I can set up the Seestar in about 5 minutes, ignore it for 60-90 minutes, come back, stop capture and have a halfway decent image (lunar / solar too).


i use an astrotech 72 ed ii telescope (a fairly cheap refractor) with a sony a600 camera mounted on a ZWO am5 mount to track the stars. I shot 60 1 minute exposures and 24 5 minute exposures and used software called pixinsight to stack and process them.


Here are my top 4 astrophotos from 2023. 1. Moon rising behind Sydney Harbour Bridge. 2. Narrowband image of Large Magellanic Cloud nebulae. 3. Widefield mosaic of the tail of Scorpius. 4. Narrowband close-up image of Gabriela Mistral Nebula & Gem Cluster. 🔭 #astrophotography

A single exposure of the full moon rising behind the southern pylon of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Two groups of bridge climbers can just be seen.
Taken with a Pentax K-5 DSLR, Astrotech ED65 refractor & Televue 2x Powermate .
Narrowband image of the many nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Taken with a ZWO 2600mc astrocamera, Samyang 135mm telephoto lens with an Antlia dual-band filter.
2 panel mosaic of the Scorpius Milky Way. Several nebulae and clusters can be seen, along with a number of dark patches of obscuring dust. 
Taken with a modified Pentax K-5iis DSLR and a Samyang 135mm lens.
A narrowband image of the Gabriela Mistral Nebula and the Gem Cluster, both in the constellation of Carina. A narrowband image taken with a ZWO 2600mc, through a Skywatcher 190mm Mak-Newt with an Antlia dual-band filter.

Astrotech is an extension of telecoms, anything crewed is simply a funky byproduct. Rockets are vectors to satellites are vectors to Information.


L'atterrisseur lunaire Peregrine est arrivé en Floride, chez Astrotech Space Operations afin d'être intégré à son lanceur Vulcan. Lancement le 24 décembre.


I was too busy (& lazy) to photograph the recent Harvest Moon. Instead, here are a few shots of the moon I've captured. 🔭 First one: the full-moon rising behind the south pylon of the Sydney Harbour Bridge a few months ago. Single exposure, Pentax K-5 DSLR, Astrotech 65mm EDQ, 2 x Powermate.


AstroTechers working on grating design principles and inclusive teamwork skills today at #AstroTech!


NGC 6888 the crescent nebula. 6.5 hours worth of exposures from my bortle 7/8 backyard just outside of austin texas. astrotech 72ii telescope sony a6000 camera zwo 120mm guide camera celestron avx mount processed in pixinsight and photoshop #astrophotography #deepspace #nebula