Aussie Bird Count doesn’t start officially for 10 days, but you can begin. My count just now was particularly fruitful. #AussieBirdCount


This year’s Aussie Bird Count is 14–20 October. I’ll be travelling in Queensland then, so even if I find the time I probably won’t even recognise most of the birds.

Aussie Bird Count
Aussie Bird Count

Celebrate National Bird Week by taking part in the biggest citizen science project to hit Aussie shores. Join thousands of people from across the country, heading out into their backyards, local parks...


Last day of the #AussieBirdCount. Nearly 3.5 million birds counted so far. Still some time to put in your count!

Screenshot from a mobile phone showing the Aussie Bird Count app and that the count ends in 7.5 hours, 97,416 checklists submitted and almost 3.5 million birds counted so far

Talking of the #AussieBirdCount, did one in bed last night! Window ajar, heard a call from our woodland patch 50m away. Confirmed the owner of call by playing a recording on my bird app but, before I knew it, the Tawny frogmouth himself was up on our roof above me. Maybe thinking he’d scored a mate?


Good job I got in an #AussieBirdCount before the fog came in - can’t even see the road, let alone the hillside that usually fills the frame

view from a window of fog concealing the mid and far landscape

Surely one of the many great things about the #AussieBirdCount is introducing more people to the unique frustration of a flock of cockatoos flying past just after you pressed 'submit survey'? 🪶🧪🌏 Seriously though, over a million birds counted and we are only just half way through! 🤩

A blue card with 1 million birds counted in text, showing cartoon birds around the edge

Appropriately for #wrensday#AussieBirdCount highlight were a pair of very noisy Splendid Fairy-wrens. 🌏🪶 Now, I have taken one nice photo of this species, but just to show my usual levels of bird photography, here's the best I could do today 😆

A female Splendid Fairy-wren sits a-top an unknown garden shrub. It is a terrible photo, so zoomed in you can barely make out the shapes of leaves. The soft, pale brown plumage of the small bird is just visible with the distinctive chestnut lores visible (a band of colour that sits across the eyes, at the base of the beak)

Day 3 of @BirdlifeOz #AussieBirdCount. We had a light rain this morning and I wish you could smell this view! Bull banksia is once again popular with the wattlebird, but a western spinebill was holding his own. 🪶🌏

View of a garden on a hilltop looking over the ocean. In the centre a paved path draws the eye towards the sea, a line of blue on the horizon that stands out against the paler blue of the sky, which is laced with high clouds. The left side of  the garden has a banksia and native peppermint tree, both in flower, while to the right of the lawn stands lower shrubs and grass trees.