Apprendre à vivre avec la covid signifie concrètement « apprendre ». Les écoles ont eu plus de quatre ans pour rendre l’air sain dans leur établissement, et la plupart ne l’ont pas fait. #COVID#AirSain#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted

un graphique avec du texte: "Il est temps que les écoles apprennent la leçon sur l'air sain."

Learning to live with COVID means actually learning. Schools have had over four years to make the air safe - and most haven’t. #COVID#SafeAirTest#CleanAir#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted

A graphic with the text: "It's time schools learn a lesson about clean air."

Covid isn’t harmless for kids. Period, full stop. But even if it was, wouldn’t you prefer not to spend so many holiday days at home with a sick kid? 1/2 #BackToSchool#COVID#SafeAirTest#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted

an image of a woman at home with a sick child and the text: "Sick of sick days”

La covid n’est pas inoffensive pour les enfants; point final. Mais même si elle l’était, ne serait-il pas plus agréable de ne pas passer autant de jours de vacances à la maison avec un enfant malade? 1/2 #BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted

une image d'une femme à la maison avec un enfant malade et le texte : "Épuisée des congés de maladie?”

Nous avons très hâte aussi que la covid soit de l’histoire ancienne. Mais pour l’instant, c’est le manque d’air sain dans les écoles qui ressortira dans les livres d’histoire sur notre époque. #TestDel’AirSain#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted

un graphique avec le texte: Les livres d'histoire ne seront pas tendres envers la manière dont nous avons laisse les enfants être i infectés dans es écoles.

We can’t wait for COVID to be history either. But for now, the lack of safe air in schools is what the they’ll write about in history books about today. #BackToSchool#COVID#SafeAirTest#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted

A graphic with the text: The history books will not be kind about how we let kids get infected in school

2024 sera-t-elle l'année où les écoles auront enfin appris à offrir un environnement d’apprentissage plus sécuritaire aux enfants? 1/3 #RentréeScolaire#COVID#TestDel’AirSain#AirSain#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted


Is 2024 the year that schools have finally learned how to provide a safer environment for kids to learn in? 1/3 #BackToSchool#COVID#SafeAirTest#CleanAir#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted


Film festival facilitators are now dealing with teachers who are afraid to book their program because of possible backlash from parents, says Gavin Somers, education director for Out on Screen. 🏳️‍🌈🎞 #bced#bcpoli

This Film Fest Is Fighting a Backlash Against LGBTQ2S+ Education | The Tyee
This Film Fest Is Fighting a Backlash Against LGBTQ2S+ Education | The Tyee

More students are ‘spouting very anti-trans, anti-gay sentiments,’ says the education director for Out on Screen. A Tyee Q&A.


Look at the terrible air quality near this school in #NazkoValleyBC#RachnaSinghNDP#IAQ#BCed schools, and make them safe for students & school workers.

Screen capture showing air quality heat-map of Nazko Valley, British Columbia, where wildfires are currently burning. The meter reads between 60 and 120 PM, which is very high.
Screen capture showing air quality heat-map in British Columbia, where wildfires are currently burning. Red dots are scattered across the map indicating severe fires burning. Air quality meter reads between 60 and 120 PM.