Epothex should be better than Betadine simply because it also contains BKC, which studies (inc. the profi paper) show is about x5 as effective as iota carrageenan vs. covid. Betadine is just simple saline + carrageenan.


I read the Profi paper, and it turns out the benzalkonium is the main anti-viral in their mix (with gellan and pectin being the others, but bringing less to the party). Epothex also has the BKC, plus the carrageenan. So my guess is they're about the same, since they both use BKC.


"Das Spray, das in der Studie als Pathogen Capture and Neutralizing Spray (PCANS) bezeichnet wird, wurde unter Verwendung von Inhaltsstoffen aus der Datenbank für inaktive Inhaltsstoffe der FDA (Inactive Ingredient Database, IID) entwickelt, die bereits in zugelassenen Nasensprays verwendet wurden,

Fig. 4: PCANS enhances the capture of respiratory droplet-mimicking aerosol and exhibits prolonged nasal residence time in mice. (a) Experimental design for measuring the capture of respiratory droplet-
mimicking aerosol. A twin impinger was used to simulate the aerodynamics of the human respiratory tract.
Mucus or gellan and pectin solution (G+P), without or with different concentrations of Tween-80, Tween-20 or BKC was coated on the inner surface of the throat region of the impinger using a nasal spray device. Droplets with mass medial aerodynamic diameter >5 um and laden with rhodamine B-loaded liposomes (size ~400 nm) were generated using a jet nebulizer and administered into the impinger under vacuum (15 L/min). Droplet
capture was determined by quantifying the fluorescence intensity of rhodamine B in the biopolymer/surfactant mixture or mucus layer. (b) Fold increase in fluorescence intensity with respect to mucus. ***P < 0.0001, *P< 0.05 compared to mucus. (c) Transepithelial el

We are forever grateful for his work and take great honor in continuing his legacy through the Badar-Kauffman Conference on Special Education Research. We will be honoring Jim with a special session at BKC 2025. Our hearts go out to all who knew him.

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Gotta get in at least 250 words about an antagonist in the next 2 days. I'm thinking Pandora makes a good candidate. But the beast's rival is looking pretty promising. #BKC#AllYouCanWriteAugust#villains#amwritingfantasy#romantasy#femalevillains#amwriting