Well got a chance with this one this morning, absolutely superb it is too! GiantSky and Giant Sky II cracking double album that seems to encompass so many different styles and aesthetics it's quite something to try and take it all in. Found something new to get lost in!

Giant Sky II, presented as double album but digital download also on Bandcamp.  Released as follow up to album I, on 1st December 2023

You're welcome! Evidently Duvet randomly became popular among the youth on TikTok which is why they got together, which is random but I'll take it! The lead singer Jasmine Rodgers has some solo albums on Bandcamp as well ^^

Jasmine Rodgers
Jasmine Rodgers

Jasmine Rodgers is an English musician from London. Noted for her complex vocals and folky style guitar picking, her music blends rock, acoustic and folk genres together with soul. Frontwoman to UK ro...